As-Salaam Alaikum,
This evening, at Magrib, begins the 21st night of Ramadan. This is the first of the last ten nights of the 30 nights of Ramadan. Within these last ten nights is the Night of Power, a blessed night.
Dear Believers let me remind you of the presentation that was presented before the Month of Ramadan began. That is we count the nights instead of the daylights, we count 30 nights then we have the Eid. There is no sin in having the Eid as part of the numbered period. And remember that we break the fast the morning of the Eid. "If you do not eat prior to the Eid Prayer, it is as though you have kept the fast."
We do not count the daylight we count the nights. If we look at the daylight sky it appears basically the same each day. The daylight helps up keep up with the time during the day, i.e., the sun moving across the sky gives us the times of the day. Also, the daylight gives us the counting of the years by the seasons. Whereas, it is the night sky that gives us the time for measuring the days of the month, i.e., the moon going through its phases.
To make this connection with previous scriptures it is said, "The evening and the morning is the first day."
Therefore, the Eid Al-Fitr will be on September 20th.
M.A.L.I. introduces this method to be used so that we can determine ahead of time the day of the Eid. This will allow us to be prepared in notifying school systems, employers, etc. and it will allow us to be prepared for the Eid.
To count 30 came from Imam W. Deen Mohammed verifying the scriptures.
Thank you for taking the time to read this note.
Salim MuMin
M.A.L.I., Director
2 days ago
الشهر تسع و عشرون ليلة فلا تصوموا حتى تروه فإن غم عليكم فأكملوا العدة ثلاثين
The Prophet (SAAS) stated, "The month is 29 nights, so do not fast until you see it [hilal]..." [Al-Bukhari & Muslim]
Since lunar years are consistantly 11 days shorter than solar years, we look for and sight 29 days more often than 30 days. This is a scientific fact, which the hadeeth above conforms with.
Excuse me, I meant 29 nights more often than 30 nights.
I don't fully understand Imam Salim's proposal but I respect his logic.
Personally, I feel that we should not have to displace the tradition of the Prophet (saw) and ritual in order to "predict" the Eid. Scientific analysis allows to accurately determine at what point on the globe and at what specific time the moon will be visible with the naked eye. Once we know this...we can physically go site it. Science and tradition togther.
Yes, I respect him as a student of the Imam (RH) and a thinker also. I benefitted tremedously from his class on Tafseer `Irab Al-Qur'an.
I also agree that science and tradition can be in harmony. However, philsophical explanations or someone's logic cannot trump both science and tradition in my mind.
If science holds that most lunar months are 29 nights, not 30, and the hadeeth saheeh states the same, then I do not see the need for a philosophical discussion on why we need to focus on counting 30 nights. That's all. Perhaps, I'm missing something here that is very apparent. I don't know.
اللهم اني أعوذ بك من علم لا ينغع
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