Numbers 22.28; "And the Lord opened the mouth of the ass, and she said unto Balaam, What have I done unto thee, that thou hast smitten me these three times?"
"When they are talking about donkeys in the Bible they are talking about people. When they are talking about snakes in the Bible they are talking about people. When they are talking about dogs in the Bible they are talking about people. There is no animal in the Bible that is a real animal in their minds when they were writing that. All the animals in the Bible are human beings. Now why would animals be in the Bible if it is not for human beings? There is a donkey talking, saying, "Why have you struck me these three times?"
That is enough to make you go crazy or enough to entertain an African American who has nothing else to do but be entertained by foolishness. What gives a seeing man the holy ghost is good sense...
...Bilal in the Scripture carries "baal" upon his back; I'll just say he carried "having a ball" upon his back, always having a ball. He carried "baal" upon his back and his own soul was riding him. He stopped, because he saw an Angel in the path ahead of him, standing blocking the way.
According to the Scripture, the Angel had a flaming sword in his hand. Even a donkey will stop when seeing something like that. When he saw that, he asked his rider, "Why have you struck me, strapped me these three times?"
Life starts in the physical body, the flesh. When a baby is born from its mother, it has no life anywhere except in its physical body. It becomes conscious of our world, then life starts in the mind and in the soul. But before that time, there is no life anywhere except in the physical flesh.
The baby is not expressing itself yet. Sometimes, they don't wake up automatically on their own. The doctor has to strike the flesh to get them to breathe air and for air to come into them.
Once they breathe air on their own, now he is a living child, a human. If he does not breathe air, he is called a still born. He is dead and never came into life as a human person.
The first life is in the flesh before even the conscious comes on and life comes in the mind. If the mind hangs around long enough, that particular child is going to develop its own spirit. Now the child is a living spirit. Living flesh, living mind and living spirit. That is the three.
The donkey asked the rider, which is a living soul, "Why have you struck me, strapped me these three times?" No answer came. But the donkey had stopped being a donkey. The donkey spoke with man's voice, not with an animal's voice, not with a donkey's voice.
I close this out by saying Mr. Fard had a point, when he told them to form a baseball team. Everything that happens in human life, as designed by our Creator, has a sign for our intelligence, for our mind to read. And everything carries both knowledge and mercy.
When you understand the knowledge in the problem, now you have a way to bring mercy.
Peace, As Salaam Alaikum.
I must keep this brief, inshallah. But This arises some questions.
- I love the fact the animals refer to people, it takes the mysticism out of the scripture even more.
- What gives a seeing man the holy ghost is good sense... (I love this and I would like to read more on this)
- Baal is a ball? I don't understand...
- I understand the three parts, even in reflection of the baby. But when we get to the angel with the Sword, I don't see how he contributes to the passage. It does seem like a MAJOR part though.
- if the donkey is the mind.. menaing the mind is immature, the body is the man, which obviously cannot speak, does the lack of spirit define the incongruency between the mind and body. Therefore the body stops and the mind loses control because it isn't righteous/mature anyway? If so, then the body stops before Allah but the mind is blind because of the lack of the spirit/righteousness. Problem with this concept is that there is no real basis for beleiveing that the Spirit is Absent. And the obvious question of Doesn't a Human ride a donkey not the reverse?
-And we thought Noah was bringing pairs of physical animals?! lol.
-powerful statement
-Baal in scripture is often seen as meaning a Master or "Lord". When the Imam said that Baal=Ball, three things came to mind:
1. Baal sounds very similar to Ball, in the history of language, those people who want to hide knowledge behind symbolism and such would often take advantage of language to use as there vices. Ball is connected with baseball. 3 strikes and you out buddy. the 3 living flesh, mind, spirit. Scripture is about making connections.
2. Ball, like ball and chain, as slaves used to wear. Ball = burden
3. And finally, Baal= the soul. The soul was riding, pressuring the donkey (stubborn) to submit to the excellence in his soul.
-Research about the story ....the Angel comes with a flaming sword and the donkey stops. Angels are messengers and in the case of Jabril....bring revelation. I think the angel was meant to awaken the donkey to his conscious soul.
-"The first life is in the flesh before even the conscious comes on and life comes in the mind. If the mind hangs around long enough, that particular child is going to develop its own spirit."
I see the donkey as the flesh 1st then the mind. It started as stubborn flesh and made a transition once it saw the became a conscious mind because it spoke. It spoke to whom? THe soul that was riding it...urging it to reach the excellence within its nature.
I still have a lot more research to do ....but just some thoughts that came to mind. Allah knows best.
-"Bilal in the Scripture carries "baal" upon his back;" Why is he called Bilal? Is this story in Quran too?
- I think your third definition is most aligned with my understanding. And finally, Baal= the soul. The soul was riding, pressuring the donkey (stubborn) to submit to the excellence in his soul.
-so the donkey is stubborn and the angel awakens his conciousness.
... I just read teh whole chapter. So I could actually know what I'm talking about. And without this interpretation it would just seem like a childrens story.
- As I read it I realize the donkey is the body and mind. Stubborn and dedicated, but the Balaam. So Ballam was stubborn and went away from the right guidance, and therefore his mind had to call his spirit to what was correct. OH I see, the LORD wanted him to go on the journey so that he could learn to listen and be patient, not to speak or educate. So the road was narrowed and further narrowed so that his mind would have to acknowledge his stubborness. I see..
- What's next this was fun!
-Bible is so confusing!
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