Bush seems to uphold all the events that Clinton used to do such as the iftar at the White House (I'm not sure if Clinton was the first to do these Muslim-sit-downs but he sure is popular for them, but he was popular for just about everything he did while in office).
During the past eight years, the Bush administration has held an Iftaar dinner, a meal served at the end of the day during the holy month of Ramadan when Muslims fast from sunrise to sunset.
Congressman Keith Ellison and Congressman André Carson were there. It is not a bad time for Muslims and Politics. Muslims get so shaky when it comes to American Politics but the fact stands : You live in a kufr society, but you have the ability to change things for the BETTER (not best). Pay close attention to the language here. Why would you seperate your religious life from your daily (secular) life? I don't want to get too far off topic from my post, but I just feel that many Muslims are struggling with how to live Islamically in America. Maybe I'll save some more in debth comments for another post.
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