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Wednesday, May 6, 2009

May 8th, Imam Siraj Day

From Imam Suhaib Webb:

Asalamu alaykum,
Last week the Muslim youth in America pulled off an amazing fundraiser for Imam Siraj Wahhaj. While 26 K. was donated we are still well short of our goal of $125,000.

The Idea:

Muslim organizations could call for "America's Imam Day" designating a Friday where funds could be raised for the Imam across the country! It would be awesome if others such as our brothers in the U.K got on board as well. Let us all write, call and encourage our organizations like ISNA, ICNA, MAS, MSA,MAP, RIC, MYNA, AlMaghrib, Seekers Guidance and Zaytuna to make this call together.

I'm willing to fly to the states for one day, give the khutbah for the Imam and fly back for my exams in Egypt. I say this brothers and sisters because of my love for the Imam. By Allah I love him and hope and pray that we can moblize for the sake of Allah to help him.

The ball's in your court....

Imam Siraj Day
May 8th, Imam Siraj Day
MSA National is proud to join our fellow brothers and sisters in designating Friday, May 8th as Imam Siraj Day. The goal is to raise $75,000 to help Imam Siraj Wahhaj pay for his cancer treatment. As college students, we struggle to raise a few hundred dollars to support our own MSAs. While fundraising is sometimes difficult, here is a man who raised millions of dollars for our communities, built masjids, traveled to our campuses and MSA conferences, and gave his time for the sake of others. We believe small amounts raised by the many can have a huge impact. Join the effort and contact for more information!

Are you participating in Imam Siraj Day? If so help us track the money raised by reporting your fundraising efforts!

June 20, Concert Fundraiser with Sami Yusuf for Imam Siraj Wahhaj

On Saturday, June 20, Preacher Moss and the "Allah Made Me Funny" Company, Native Deen, Sami Yusuf, Da'wah Ensemble, and myself will be presenting a benefit roast and concert for our beloved leader, Imam Siraj Wahhaj and his family. This is scheduled to take place at the famous Symphony Hall in Atlanta, Georgia.

The bookkeeping for this event is being handled by Masjid At-Taqwa in Brooklyn, New York, which as you are aware is the 501(c)(3) institution that Imam Siraj established and still leads.

Won't you please be so kind as to help us prepare for this historic occassion, by becoming one of the sponsors for this event, and choosing a category below. We will also make available for you event tickets to coincide with your sponsorship contribution, in addition to listing your company or organization in our promotional material, which will begin within two weeks from today, insha Allah t'Ala.

Platinum Sponsor - $2,000
Gold Sponsor - $1,000
Silver Sponsor - $500
Bronze Sponsor - $250

Checks can made payable to Masjid At-Taqwa, and mailed to Bilal Hinson, c/o Masjid At-Taqwa, 1266 Bedford Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11216. Please however, email me at to confirm your support and submission of sponsorship contribution.

Your Brother,
Imam F. Qasim ibn Ali Khan,
Director of Events & Fundraising
Please visit


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