The Following is an email exchange from a sister and I regarding last weeks Jummah Khutbah. The Khatib and Sister will remain anonymous.
Salaam Khalil,
InshaAllah you are doing well. Keep me posted about the Jummu'ah location inshaAllah. After the khutbah my friend and I discussed the khutbah and I wanted to share our points with you inshaAllah:
1. Women being 'flirtatious' - we both understand the authenticated hadith of our Prophet (sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam) about women being described as fitna, but it is important to note the responsibility of modesty and lowering the gaze falls on both men and women. We felt that its as if women are grouped into the temptations of men when he mentioned similarly alcohol and money, etc.
2. Men having trouble with sexual desire - it is a fact that men may have a more difficult time in this area, but it is important to also address the sisters in this and all matters of struggle.
That's basically it. :) The khutbah overall was well put, mashaAllah, we were just thrown off by his comments about women and their fitna status...Allah knows best.
My response:
Wa Alaikum assalaam,
Alhamdulillah, all is well with me. I'm sorry to say but I missed most of the Khutbah! The one day out the year that I'm late and I miss the controversial one ;-) J/k.
So, from what you tell me, I can probably guess exactly how his khutbah went and which hadith/ayah he probably cited (or would have cited). So, I'll give you my 2 cents within a few points:
1. As Muslims, we should always see the woman in an elevated status. There are numerous hadith that honor the role of the mother and the woman. When you begin to place your women in the light of "fitnah" and take hadith out of context (which I'm almost sure he didn't give the context or else you wouldn't have been offended)...then you are straying away from the message of Islam.
2. If it were not for women (wives of the Prophet) we would not have much of the hadith that we study. Hows that for your fitnah.
3. Let's understand the definition of this word...Fitnah comes from the root word fa-ta-na which means to turn away from...and in harsher definitions it refers to oppression and torment. Allah says in the Qur'an:
"And fight against them until there is no more Fitnah and all worship is devoted to God alone..." (8:39)
Looking at the context of the word within this ayah we see that the "Fitnah" was something/someone who took the Believers away from the worship of G-d. This was early in the Prophet's (saw) mission and the Muslims were being persecuted for their beliefs. The reference to fitnah here is the actual oppression they received because of their way of life.
Now can a woman take a man away from his beliefs? Sure. But as you noted it goes both ways. But let me show you how this religion uplifts the women. Isn't it part of the biblical story that Adam (RA) was tempted in the Garden of Eden by EVE? But in Islam, we don't follow this logic...shaytan went directly to Adam.
It is also very important to note, understand, and accept that God included "women" from the very, very beginning and that the woman was not the result of a man finding himself lonely. Allah tells us in the qur'an to reverence your Guardian-Lord, who created you from a single person, created, of like nature, His mate. And in this same ayah Allah commands us to reverence the wombs that bore you!
I'm sorry I could go on forever. But I would like to address one more thing. Allah says in the Qur'an (Yusuf Ali's Translation), "O ye who believe! Truly, among your wives and your children are (some that are) enemies to yourselves: so beware of them! But if ye forgive and overlook, and cover up (their faults), verily Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful." (64:14)
Don't be satisfied with the translation of the Holy Qur'an by Yusuf Ali. If I was a woman, I would have serious problems with what he translates, "O you who believe, among your wives are enemies to you." Enemies? Fa real? The Qur'an comes to elevate the whole of humanity, male and female alike. The translation of Qur'an has to be done on equal ground. You can't have language in Qur'an that (in translation) gives a hint of sexism, dualism, racism or sectarianism. So basically, "adwan" which he translates as enemies...he too harsh of a definition for our American English nor does it provide the correct understanding. In this context the "adwan" are those who are hostile...those who hinder or impede.
"There were men who embraced Islam in Makkah and wanted to migrate to Allah's Messenger . However, their wives and children refused to allow them. Later when they joined Allah's Messenger , they found that those who were with him (the Companions) have gained knowledge in the religion, so they were about to punish their wives and children. Allah the Exalted sent down this Ayah..." (straight from
With all that said...Sorry for the LONG reply...I feel bad because I didn't even address your 2nd point (men and their sexual desire) but I don't want to end up rambling like I did before. Surely, Allah knows best in all of this because any knowledge is from the Mercy of our Lord. I pray Allah increases us in beneficial knowledge AND UNDERSTANDING.
I'll leave you with this... (as you said is important to address the sisters in this)
"For Muslim men and women,- for believing men and women, for devout men and women, for true men and women, for men and women who are patient and constant, for men and women who humble themselves, for men and women who give in Charity, for men and women who fast (and deny themselves), for men and women who guard their chastity, and for men and women who engage much in Allah's praise,- for them has Allah prepared forgiveness and great reward."
The sister's final response:
Salaam Khalil,
MashaAllah, thanks for clarifying. May Allah bless you for all that you do for the believers (men AND women) :-) Ameen. Its so tough sometimes because if a man has trials with his attraction to women, don't fault the women, lower your gaze! Or get married! What was funny is that the way he led up to his point about women being fitnah I really thought he was going to specifically point out nonbelieving women, lol... but oh well. Allah is the best of planners.
Yeah you can post it inshaAllah, and you can add this thought I forgot to mention that we talked about. How sisters can react or protect themselves from harassment from men Muslim! and non-Muslim when observing proper (meaning modest and not merely covering) hijab. Its so annoying when you're trying to deflect and you only annoying. :)
1 week ago
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