CNN- The House of Representatives on Tuesday passed a resolution apologizing to African-Americans for slavery and the era of Jim Crow. Read about it HERE.
Ok. So, its been 143 years since slavery has been abolished and the federal government has just now decided to gather up a formal apology?! A sincere apology seeks forgiveness. I think the government wants to appease and pacify African Americans. Now, more than ever.
Somebody realized that with all the gentrification, inequality, and mental slavery that's still going on...let's throw the "Negros" a pacifier. Actions speak louder than words.
Its so ironic that the same values in which America was founded upon was the same values that it struggles to uphold. It saught freedom, justice, and equality from the British but failed to uphold it to the African peoples that were wrongfully taken from their homes....stripped of their identity...and forced into thralldom.
The key to a successful apology is asking to be forgiven in the right way and at the right time, which America has failed to do.
My Islamic Perspective...
4:58 BEHOLD, God bids you to deliver all that you have been entrusted with unto those who are entitled thereto, and whenever you judge between people, to judge with justice. Verily, most excellent is what God exhorts you to do: verily, God is all-hearing, all-seeing! (Holy Qur'an)
10 hours ago
The apology should come along with increased funding for educational opportunities including vouchers for African-Americans to attend college for all, who are alive now and the three generations that follow, in my opinion.
I would agree. Practical solutions to a 200 year mistake would include fixing those inequalities that are a direct result of race and ethnicity. There is no reason that the education of an African-American child be generally different than his/her white counterpart. HIV/AIDS is another thing. Reparations would be useless compared to a strategy from the government that seeks to close gaps between educational opportunities. Thanks for your comment.
That cartoon was hilariously true. Maybe this should be aired on nation television though....
I am sure it would rub a lot of white people the wrong why who think they and their families made it in life through mere hard work and merit.
You have a point. I don’t think it was so much out of sincerity as it was a political move.
Sorry I meant...
I am sure it would rub a lot of white people the wrong way
thanks for visiting my site M.L.!
Yours seems very informative as well... keep it up!
and that cartoon... great!
Great Cartoon
Thanks, but I can't take credit for the cartoon. I found it off facebook. Thanks for reading!
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